Wednesday, February 17, 2010

TYPE 2: The other series

This is my second series I'm going to use as well... a lot different than the vector art which I used for my main series.

To Suggesst:

To suggest that this problem can be fixed

To suggest that there are thousands of people that need desperate help

To suggest a sense of sorrow, dispare, anger, the wanting to reach out and help

To suggest thinking about others

To suggest learning and become more informed with the rest of the world

To suggest running a government correctly

To suggest finding answers for ‘why?’

To suggest looking towards the future/ a better tomorrow

To suggest elliminating all genocides perminently

Concept Statement:

"I'm thinking all the time about taking revenge. I have to do it for the many innocent people who have been abducted, the women who have been raped . . . revenge for people killed. It's very difficult to forgive. I'm not thinking about forgiveness. There will be revenge one day."


  1. Kenzie,
    For the first series I really liked the vectors you used. They were so powerful. I'm impressed how your portrayed a serious topic so well.
    The second series is coming along nicely, but I don't think it works quite as well as the first.

